Annual Dues 2025 (Effective 1/1/2025 through 12/31/25)
Become a member to enjoy increased company visibility, valuable state and federal advocacy, professional development opportunities, extensive networking possibilities, and cost savings through the collective purchasing power of our 600+ member companies. As a SoCalBio member, all employees within your company will also be considered members!
Check out all of our member benefits and if you have any questions, please email [email protected]
Life Science Members
Any for-profit Life science company, including but not limited to those involved in the development of therapeutic drugs, vaccines, diagnostic assays, medical devices, digital health, and agricultural products. All dues are based on the total number of full-time employees in California.
Annual Dues
20 or Fewer Full-time So. Cal. Employees
21 – 50 Full-time So. Cal. Employees
51 – 100 Full-time So. Cal. Employees
100 Full-time So. Cal. Employees (with no revenues from sales)
100 Full-time So. Cal. Employees (with revenues from sales)
Providers of Allied Products and Services Members
Providers of allied products and services to support the Life science industry’s future. All dues based are on the total number of full-time employees in California.
Annual Dues
Sole Proprietorship
6 – 15 Full-time So. Cal. Employees
16 – 30 Full-time So. Cal. Employees
31 – 60 Full-time So. Cal. Employees
61 – 100 Full-time So. Cal. Employees
More Than 100 Full-time So. Cal. Employees
Non-Profit Organization:
Universities, hospitals, research institutions, government agencies, and any other non-profit organization.
Annual Dues
With any number of employees